Salmon + Rice Balls

Salmon and Rice Balls Easy Kid Recipe

What is it with things in a ball shape or on a stick with kids!?

You know what - who cares! It works. This recipe was from an ambition to finish off my leftover tinned salmon + rice in the fridge. I have a tendency to get a craving for salmon, open a tin + forget about it..  Lucky for me my 3rd child just eats it straight. But the dregs were left, so in addition to left over basmati rice - we created magic!

And I am not joking or exaggerating. These were gobbled in 7 minutes. Three kids, 18 balls - gone. An absolute record in our house. I had to share. 

Easy baked goodness. No standing over a pan. Cooked with all the good fats for growing bodies. Full of protein, omega's + calcium - perfect brain + bone development food. Also high in fibre! Is there is anything this doesn't have that is good!?

  • Bowl, hands that are ok getting dirty, baking tray, plate.
  • 5 minute prep (if you have cooked rice), 20 minutes cooking in convection oven or max 30 minutes in regular oven.
  • 1/2 cup tinned drained pink salmon (sustainably sourced preferably).
  • 3/4 cup cooked/cooled basmati or brown rice.
  • 1/2 cup grated mozzarella cheese.
  • Two free range eggs.
  • 1 small carrot grated.
  • 3-4 spring onion (scallion) leaves finely diced (optional). 
  • 3 weetbix.
  • 1 tablespoon flour.
  • 3 tablespoons of canola oil.
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper for seasoning.
  1. If you are using a regular oven, preheat to 200 C.
  2. Put canola oil into shallow baking tray + ensure it covers the base.
  3. Crush two weetbix onto a plate, mix in flour + pepper. 
  4. Put salmon, rice, cheese, eggs, carrot + spring onion into a bowl. 
  5. Crush in 1 weetbix + mix by hand.  If the mix is too wet, you can add in another 1/2 weetbix, but it is meant to be wet. As long as it sticks together in a ball shape. 
  6. Roll into walnut size balls; roll in weetbix/flour mix then place evenly onto tray.
  7. You should end up with atleast 18 balls, but you can make them smaller if you want more.
  8. Roll the balls in the tray to have them coated in the oil.
  9. Put in oven + bake for 20minutes if using micro/oven combo 190c on 340w.  Or 25-30 minutes in the regular oven. Check at 20minutes.
  10. Remove from oven; cool for kiddies + see if you can break our 7 minute for consumption record!


 We also have a very long video of us making this recipe on the Kidspot kitchen  (video in online recipe page) if you want a laugh! There is a funny part, see if you can spot it.