Dietitian Mum Lunch Ideas in Minutes

Dietitian Mum Lunch Ideas in Minutes

We do not take care of ourselves. It is a fact. We ensure everyone else has all they need, worry ourselves sick about their health, welfare and happiness, but we always forget ourselves.

No Time

"There is no time" I often hear. I work with all mums from busy executives, to stay at home mums - money does not buy more time.  

So, we have to work around this fact and just make it SIMPLE- not get bogged down with all the complicated fads and unaffordable foods that we are told we must have and then feel like we are falling short when we don't. Let's strip it back - and focus on the MAJORS and not the MINORS. 

Benefits of Planning

Planning ahead for lunch and snacks in the day will help us know:

  1. We have been nourished: Quality proteins and plants as close to nature as possible will help sustain our energy, help our immunity to avoid illness and repair us each day.
  2. We are not overeating: This can happen when we are not planned
  3. We are consistent: Which is key to taking control of your day and ensuring your body gets all it needs.

Eating well and taking care of ourselves is instantly validated with not just pride but feeling better. You deserve this, you can do it. 

Easy Ideas to Create a Perfect Quick Lunch


Each of these are ideas for your protein portion of the meal. With animal proteins - your serving size should be no more than the palm of your hand. 

  1. Pre boil 4-6 eggs and leave them in the fridge in a container. Two eggs will be a protein source in your lunch
  2. Sardines in olive oil - an excellent affordable protein in oil that can act as a dressing for a salad. We understand it's not crowd friendly. But its body and budget friendly, so weigh it up for your situation
  3. Tinned tuna in brine or olive oil
  4. Canned/drained 4 bean mix or chickpeas- 150g
  5. Low fat/low salt feta cheese 40g or 100g ricotta cheese
  6. Pre-grilled chicken or fish pieces
    1. Marinade chicken pieces in olive oil, garlic and oregano for an hour then grill, cool and transfer to a glass container with a lid to refrigerate and use within 2-4 days
    2. Use pre-portioned frozen salmon pieces, defrost then grill with seasoning, cool, and transfer to a glass container with a lid to refrigerate and use within 2-4 days


  1. Pre-cut up lettuce, cucumber, have baby tomatoes, chop up kale and grate with a large peeler strips of carrot. Put in a glass lidded airtight container. This could do 3-5 days if it remains airtight with no moisture in the fridge. Take out what you need, add in your protein
  2. Grill sweet potato, eggplant, red capsicum, zucchini, garlic if you like, red onion, when cooled - mix with Kale, rocket or spinach. 
  3. Add in frozen peas/corn, defrost in boiling water if you are eating immediately
  4. Fresh green beans, rocket, kale, baby spinach


  1. Handful toasted chopped walnuts, almonds or pepita seeds or sunflower seeds.
  2. Olive oil drizzle
  3. White or Apple Cider Vinegar
  4. Freshly squeezed lemon or lime
  5. Crumble of low-fat feta, or 2 teaspoons grated parmesan cheese
  6. Pepper, fresh herbs as suited to flavour's

Optional Carbohydrates

Some really need these through the day - some do not, A key sign of needing them in your lunch is, if you feel really hungry about 2-3 hours after lunch, then begin including a carbohydrate from the below into your lunch.

  1. A slice of grain sourdough
  2. A small, sweet potato - grilled as suggested above under vegetables or microwaved
  3. 1/2 cup cooked brown rice - you can precook and have in the fridge for 2-4 days
  4. Use a small grain wrap and turn lunch into a wrap


  1. Select one protein,
  2. Select no less than 4 salad ingredients and ensure you always have a green and an orange, 
    1. Select 2-3 toppings - but only ONE of these can be a cheese or a nut
  3. If you are hungry after the above, next time, add in a carbohydrate to the lunch.