Lunchbox Nut Free Healthy Energy Balls

Lunchbox Nut Free Energy Balls
Lunchbox's we have a love hate relationship with. They are obviously non-negotiable but require planning, which is not a strength. With 3 to prepare in our house, tuck shop back up plans can get too expensive. The mains are covered with wraps, sandwiches and sometimes homemade nori rolls, it's the small quick and healthy snacks that pinch and need planning for. Packet free in our family means home made or just fresh!
These balls have been a consistent hit. We love a one cup recipe with pantry items. We also love minimal washing up. The only real work in this recipe is the rolling part, which the kids can absolutely be helping you with! This will take 10 minutes from start to end. Store in the fridge. You should get atleast 24 balls.
These are great for lunch boxes for morning or afternoon tea or before sports in the afternoon.
Blender/bowl/spoon and container with lid you will store them in.
1 cup dried dates
1 cup desiccated coconut
1 cup dried apricots
1 cup of cornflakes
½ cup of sultana bran (or ½ cup weetbix)
1 cup rolled oats
2 generous tablespoons honey
Additional coconut to roll in
Put all ingredients, excluding the honey and coconut, into a blender.
Melt honey in large bowl.
Put the mixture from the blender into the honey bowl and push it all through evenly.
Roll into balls no bigger than a walnut and roll in additional coconut. I usually add the coconut into the storage container, put all the balls into it, then pop the lid on and shake it up instead of rolling them one by one.
- Store in covered container in the fridge. They last for weeks if uneaten in that time!