Surrounding your child with IMAGES and products of BETTER choices will ENCOURAGE them to not just try new foods but to want to select them. Our Feeding Growing Humans Books and curated products are here to help you give your baby, toddler and child the best start possible.

Affordable Accessible Nutrition Support
Bite Nutrition APD Dietitians are qualified to support you to make healthy easier at home: for YOU + your loved ones.
As mums + Dietitians, we know the importance of the first few years of life to long term health in particular. We also know how hard it is to take care of ourselves as parents + get back to our pre-baby weight.
Medicare + Private Health Registered: Bite Nutrition Services include online assessments, which you can do in your own time with no appointments at all (and you maybe able to CLAIM them). Get started right now.

Plastics and Food - What is the Science Hinting At and What Can You Do?

Baby and Toddler Food Pouches - Should You Be Using Them?