What is an Eco-Dietitian?

All health professionals have their own personal bias and ours happens to be trying to help support people reach health, budget and planet goals simultaneously. Here are some examples of our bias in our products, articles and services that you may see.

Our food selection bias is for:

  1. No single serve packaging,
  2. Buying wholefoods in bulk and local in season produce.
  3. Minimally processed foods.
  4. Homemade where life/work/time budget permits.
  5. No fad foods that induce negative agricultural/planet impacts.

Our health advise during our consultations is around:

  1. Values as above for food selection.
  2. Plant based with animal protein that supports client preferences.  
  3. No/minimal synthetic supplementation.
  4. Development of cooking life skills.
  5. Time saving/balanced practical advise.
  6. Managing expectations and trying to implement long term changes. 

Our lifestyle advise includes a focus on:

  1. Minimising screen/socials times.
  2. Ensuring kids/adults meet activity needs for longevity, regardless of abilities.
  3. Plenty of sleep and sleep routines.
  4. In person social connections and community engagements.

Why are bee's a feature of your books?

Bee's are vital to our food supply, with it estimated that over 1/3rd of our daily consumption requiring a bee to help pollinate it so it would grow.  In Australia, we were until recently free from diseases, but recently the Veroma Mite has now spread and impacted many hives across the East Coast of Australia. This mite has already had devastating affects in America and China. Bee's are affected by pesticides also and in some parts of China, they have to hand pollinate their crops as they have no bee's or other pollinating insects left.

The bee represents something significant. It is not just another bug that annoys us and we want to kill.  By telling its story, we hope that it helps our next generation be more connected with nature and their food supply and start to protect these precious parts of our eco system.

We reached out to Achim Steiner, a great advocate of the protection of bees, to quote him.  In his words:

“The way humanity manages or mismanages its nature-based assets, including pollinators, will in part define our collective future in the 21st century……The fact is that of the 100 crop species that provide 90 per cent of the world’s food, over 70 are pollinated by bees.”
- Achim Steiner, Executive Director UN Environment Programme (UNEP) 2006-2016.

Where can I find the names of the vegetables missing from the "Beautiful Yummy Food - Vegetables" book?


If you are lucky enough to already have bought a book, please join our mailing list to get the names of vegetables not listed in the Vegetables book.!

The "Feeding Growing Humans Beautiful Yummy Food - Vegetables" book has a lot of pictures that you may need some help with. In the book, we ask you to do some of your own research. But here, we will add in some help.

The pages that ask you to name the varieties are:

  • Tomato
  • Potato
  • Mushrooms
  • Asian Greens

You have a go at naming the varieties in the pictures and we will send out names in our newsletters. Share your pictures with names with us and you may get a $10 discount code for your next online order.